Tuesday 25 February 2014

Crabtree & Evelyn Typewriter Project: Dearest Crumpet

The rivers are dry and the ponds are at a low. Water is scarce but our love is suffused.

Dearest  Crumpet,
I've missed you dearly. The weather here has forced me to imagine myself back at your parents home in Hampstead Heath. Remember the summer we've spent on the meadows sipping Linden champagne under the willow tree. As we lay there dreary from the heat and lulled by the soft scented breeze watching the clouds drift glacially by.

The weather back in Malaysia has been relentless. A Malaysian must have offended Apollo. Between the scorching sun and the arid office I have been trying my best to preserve myself. As you had told me, water, protection and shade at all times. And as promised I have been using the care package you sent ritualistically as remedy for my skin, body and heart. It has been my saving grace from this extreme season.

I am able to bring a small piece of our memories of summer days with me always. Just a light spray of Summer Hill Eau De Toilette never fails to bring a smile to my face and a blush to my cheeks to last the day. What a lovely summer it was.

I love Summer Hill Hydrating Body Mist when my spirits are low. I know the sun has its glowing properties but truly too much of a good thing can be bad. A few sprintz of this and my skin as well as spirit is revived. The gentle smell of field lilies and wildflowers brings me back to the summer days lazing on the grass. I love the fact that extracts of linden, mallow and nourishing honey is used to naturally soften and return the moisture back to my skin. 

The beating sun had left it's marks on my hands. Thank God for Summer Hill Hand Therapy Cream. The opulent and smooth shea butter not only soothes but also protect my hands from further damage. The smell reminds me of our picnicking craze and the softness is just like the gentleness of the first time you held my hand. I keep this in my handbag and night stand to pamper my hands. 

I shall end my letter here. As strong as the beating sun, I miss you and cant wait to meet you in early autumn.

With love,

P/S: The kind company of Crabtree&Evelyn has a wonderful promotion going on. Do click on the picture to know more. 

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